Carlos Brito of Anheuser-Busch InBev ( bud) is my CEO PICK: he is a Brazilian heading up a beer business from the American heartland but his message and style speak to audiences around the world. 安海斯-布希英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)的卡洛斯•布里托是我选出的首席执行官沟通达人:他是巴西人,带领着一个来自美洲腹地的啤酒公司,但他的信息和风格适合全球观众。
On the right side, under the Communications heading, expand the Messaging tab and click the Message listener service link. 在右侧的Communications标头下,展开Messaging选项卡,并单击Messagelistenerservice链接。
But my hope heading into the New Year is that we can continue to heed the message of the American people and hold to a spirit of common purpose in2011 and beyond. 但在新年到来之际,我的希望是我们可以继续倾听美国人民的声音,在2011年和以后的时间里坚持追求共同的目标。
This is the heading text for the message. 这里是要显示的标题文本。